Thursday, September 7, 2017

Follow These Tips To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle
This question must keep popping in your brains as to how can I maintain a healthy lifestyle? Well, actually the much used phrase “healthy lifestyle” encapsulates an array of habits that helps to achieve and maintain healthy weight and fit body.
All you need is dedication to inculcate these habits in your life to witness its benefits. Broadly we can categorize healthy lifestyle practices under the following headings:

1. Focus on Healthy Eating

Your body will respond to the fuel that you provide it. So clearly, for a fit and energetic body, you must supply it right food in right quantity. Do not starve your body of its required nutrients for some weight loss plan. It will only mislead your brain and start using protein stores from muscle rather than fat. Keep in mind the following to achieve healthy eating.
  • Take frequent meals and never overeat.
  • Never skip meals, especially breakfast.
  • Grab some lean protein and whole grains to make you feel fuller for longer.
  • Avoid packed processed food items. They will just add empty calories.
  • Make snack time your favorite salad time.
  • Stock up fresh and fibrous fruits and vegetables and mainly rely on them to satiate your hunger.
  • Even better, divide essential nutrients requirements in your daily diet plan. This will ensure that you are providing all basic nutrients to your body.

2. Keep Yourself Physically Active

Regular exercise is the key to fit and healthy body. Make sure you dedicate your body for at least half an hour physical workout routine. This will keep your muscles and bones intact. Also it prevents from many health diseases. While exercising keeps your joints and muscles moving, it sheds extra fat from your body. Results and benefits of exercise vary depending upon age, gender, stamina and intensity of workout. To stay physically active you certainly don’t have to depend on gym. Choose suitable option from the following and fulfill your fitness goals.
  • Cardio: Numerous cardio exercises are available that aid in burning calories. For example: Jumping jacks, aerobics, skipping, planks etc. The ideology is to make the heart beat faster and promote healthy life to your cardiovascular organs.
  • Yoga: Yoga is a versatile form of rectifying postures as well as preventing and curing various chronic diseases. Its wide forms of asanas serve benefits to different parts of body and ensure better health and lifestyle. It is rightly called an exercise for mind, body and soul.
  • Strength Training: Your muscles tend to lose strength as you age. Strength training exercises like bench press, pushups, biceps curl, triceps extensions etc. can help you provide core muscular power. Muscles are also actively working tissues that burn calories even when not exercising.
  • Walking/ Jogging: Outdoor/Indoor walking is the simplest form of exercising. A 30 minute intense walking/ jogging will not only burn considerable amount of calories but also reduce the risk of cardiac and inflammation diseases, obesity, diabetes and many more.
  • Physically challenging sport: There are so many sports that indulge you in a moderate to high intensity workout. Consider playing volleyball, swimming, mountain climbing, football to burn your calories in the most adventurous way.

3. Behavioural Changes

Although you might have not considered what influence your behavior can have on your health. Therefore, it is important to adopt a positive approach towards life. It will spread positive vibes, within as well as your surroundings.
  • Optimism: It is the best way to confront any situation. Regardless whether you succeed or not, at least you learn to face life with the right attitude.
  • Laughter: is a great exercise. It will keep all the negative energies at bay and you will feel calm and clear headed. That is why loud laughter exercise is practiced by many.
  • Say no to stress: While competition is a healthy term, but pressuring yourself is never advisable. It may stem many health issues in your body. Meditate, practice yoga or do something that soothes your soul. Mental detox is as necessary as physical detox.
  • Healthy relationships: A happy relationship with partner and family keeps you going in every circumstance. Healthy family bonds encourages you and gives a sense of security. This also brings inner peace and reduce the risk of depression.

4. Better Sleeping Habits

Sound sleep holds paramount importance in your health. 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep rejuvenates your body for the next day. Proper sleeping schedule also eliminates the risk of late night unhealthy snacking. A research suggests that sleep deprived people are said to lose weight slower than sound sleepers. It calms your brain and keeps anxiety away which is crucial for a better living.

5. Daily Routine Habits

A healthy lifestyle comprises of small routine practices that can be monitored to ensure better life. Wherever possible ditch the conventional ways for a smarter and healthier alternative. For example:
  • Use tea breaks at your workplace to stretch and move your body a little.
  • Avoid escalators and take the stairs. It keeps you moving and burning calories.
  • Check your sitting and standing postures.
  • Drink Green tea instead of regular.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and packed food.
  • Stay hydrated always as it keeps your joints lubricated and prevent cramps. Also it aids in weight loss and detoxification.
  • Participate in house chores as it keeps your limbs active.
Source:  Follow These Tips To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle